Wiesenstadt Alt-Erlaa
Anton-Baumgartner-Strasse 125/Stg 2
1230 Wien
Our therapists are here for you - no matter where you are!! You only need a smartphone and a quiet surrounding!
Rent our therapy room on Sunday and holidays!
Occupational Therapy for Children Vienna - Get in contact with our office via phone: 01-869 65 89 or email: office@spielstudio.at . Or book directly in our online booking system! (Not for first contact.)
When SpielStudio opened in 1994, it was Vienna's first occupational therapy practice for children. We specialize in understanding children from the perspective of Ayres' Sensory Integration (ASI®). After our evaluation and professional assessment, we can explain the relationships between your child's perception and their everyday problems. If necessary, we can provide therapy and consultation for parents and teachers in English.
We are present on Facebook where we regularly share useful ideas and good thoughts.
Let us know where something is happening so we can show up and educate the public about sensory integration disorder!